Thankful For

Thankful for 


that softly tie you to me, us to them, 

a common empathy of fabric woven

“We are but one thread within it…”

bound together… 

that no mania-political words can separate

…for virtual/physical friends 

that find the middle way,

common ground 


through His/Her Persistence

Thankful for

Clean air, 

provided by regulations 

through her Silent Spring

Thankful for

the selfless women and men that, or have, served our nation


For Hamilton’s, Jay’s and Madison’s Papers…  

Multi-color rainbow objectivity 

and thoughtfulness to peace

For diversity in family, 

friends, and nation

Thankful for

Generals in our ranks 

that stand up to the hard line, 

not crossing over to the crazy

…a history 

that allowed a humble Irish and Italian family 

to immigrate into NYC in the 1800s

…A Constitution 

that binds a common will, 

bold direction, our nation

…For the insight 

to see through the opaque greed 

to raw demagoguery

Thankful for 


You know who you are…

You are why, what I am, now…

And what I can be…

(C) Owen McCusker 2024

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